Vivostat PRF
The Vivostat® system automatically prepares a high concentration of Platelet Rich Fibrin from a small sample of the patient’s own blood.

Platelets and growth factors have been used for many years to help regenerate tissue and stimulate bone formation in e.g. orthopaedic surgery.
Recently, a number of commercial products have entered the market with simpler and smaller devices that are still based on the same centrifugation technology. Most products still require sterile handling and have shortcomings in both the biophysical properties and the delivery system.
Vivostat has solved these problems by leveraging the revolutionary technology used in the Vivostat® system for the preparation and application of autologous fibrin sealant. By combining a fibrin sealant solution with a platelet concentrate, it is possible to have a carrier, a controlled release and a medium for vascular ingrowth - all in one product, Vivostat PRF® (Platelet Rich Fibrin).