Tulip® Microfat and Nanofat
TRUE NanoFat system
Tulip’s Nanofat System is designed around Tulip’s clinically validated protocol for producing nanofat. Tulip designed this protocol and the instrumentation in collaboration with the pioneers of nanofat, Drs. Patrick Tonnard and Alexis Verpaele of Gent, Belgium.
What is NanoFat?
A viable adipose product that can be injected intradermally with a 27g - 30g needle. It contains virtually the same viability as the native adipose tissue, while retaining its original form around vascular structures allowing it to fall within the regulatory guidelines of minimal manipulation under the same surgical exception. TRUE NanoFat is pure and natural from its source, and its nature is regenerative.

Science and the TRUE NanoFat System by Tulip
Currently, mesenchymal cells derived from adipose tissue (ADSC) are utilized in various clinical applications for humans, such as aesthetic-reconstructive surgery, orthopedics, anti-aging, skin care, chronic pain and wound treatment, among others. Adipose tissue contains regenerative factors due to the presence of a group of cells known as the Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF).
The SVF is made up of a diverse population of cells, including mesenchymal stem cells, stromal cells, pericytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, immune cells, etc., which have the ability to differentiate into multiple cell types, induce neovascularization, tissue production and excellent immunomodulation. Working together with the natural biological structure of adipose tissue, these cells stimulate tissue rejuvenation and regeneration.
Several years ago, leadership at Tulip® Medical noticed the impressive clinical outcomes Drs. Tonnard and Verpaele (Ghent, Belgium) were presenting and publishing on using what they termed 'nanofat'. While their results with nanofat were obvious, their process for producing nanofat was not easily reproducible outside of their facility. In addition, the characterization of nanofat had not yet been established.
So, Tulip collaborated with Drs. Tonnard and Verpaele to develop a clinically validated system for processing nanofat. Once the process was established, Tulip collaborated with Dr. Ramon Llull (Palma de Mallorca, Spain) to characterize the nanofat produced by that system. The result of these collaborations and Tulip's product development is Tulip's TRUE NanoFat System.
TRUE NanoFat System
TRUE: Through & Through
Nothing is added or taken away from the original adipose harvest other than unwanted fluids.
Meets the injectability criteria of the pioneers of NanoFat, Drs. Tonnard and Verpaele.
It fulfills Tulip's intention to deliver the benefits of fat to millions.

Tulip Recommended Sets

Tulip Nanofat Set™ - Single-Use
This single-use patent-pending closed system helps size adipose tissue so that it is injectable with 27G and 30G needles.
Item Code:
DNTS-1P for 1 Patient
DNTS-5P for 5 Patient
Kit Includes:
(Kit for 5 Patients Available with amounts of 5 each per item)
1 each Single-Use NanoTransfer™ Generation 2
1 each GEMS™ Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm
1 each GEMS™ Sizing Transfer 1.2mm
1 each GEMS™ Sizing Transfer 1.4mm

NanoTransfer™ Generation I Cartridges
Pre-sterilized single-use cartridges for use with the Generation I NanoTransfer.
Sold in boxes of 5.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
For Tulip Nanofat Set™ - Reusable (TGSNANO-DNTC)

The Micro Kit™ - Reusable
Reusable Anaerobic Sizing Transfers are used to size down adipose tissue into desired aliquot sizes of Microfat. They also play an important role in Tulip’s proprietary Nanofat System™. Transfers can be used as a standalone system for sizing down adipose or can be used in conjunction with the Tulip NanoTransfer (Gen 1 or Gen 2) to create NanoFat. Each Reusable Transfer is also available for purchase individually (code is in parentheses next to each item).
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Reusable Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm (ATLLLL2.4)
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfer 1.4mm (ATLLLL1.4)
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfer 1.2mm (ATLLLL1.2)

Tulip Nano Small Volume Kit™ – Reusable
The reusable Tulip Nano Small Volume Kit is your workhorse for facial sculpting and rejuvenation using microfat and nanofat. It is also ideal for other small-volume procedures such as hand rejuvenation, scar revision, wound healing, decolletage rejuvenation, and restoration of the fat pads in the feet.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 20cm or 2.1mm x 15cm (Depends on Harvester Choice)
1 each Harvester of your choice:
- Carraway Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
- Miller Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
- Sorensen Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm
- Tonnard Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 1.2mm x 7cm
1 each SnapLok 60cc
1 each NanoTransfer
2 each Anaerobic Transfer Luer to Luer 2.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
2 boxes of 5 Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges
(Packaged as procedure set)

Tulip GOLD Standard Set™
GOLD: Gentle Out-patient Lipoaspirate Delivery.
Introducing the Gentle Outpatient Lipoaspirate Delivery system for regenerative procedures. The Tulip NanoFat GOLD System is easy to use, cost-effective and produces the ideal consistency of adipose tissue for a variety of clinical applications. It is the only clinically validated protocol for injection of adipose tissue through a 30 gauge needle.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each Carraway Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each Tulip Micro Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm
1 each Tulip Micro Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm
1 each Tulip Micro Injector SuperLuerLok 1.2mm x 7cm
1 each SnapLok 60
2 each Anaerobic Transfer Luer to Luer 2.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
1 each NanoTransfer
2 each Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges - 5
(Packaged as procedure set)

Tulip Nano SoftBreast™ Kit™ - Single-Use
This single-use procedure kit for personalized Breast Enhancement, with or without implants, using microfat and nanofat for aesthetic and reconstructive applications.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each GEMS™ Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15 cm
2 each GEMS™ Miller Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each GEMS™ Spoon Tip Injector SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each GEMS™ Injector SuperLuerLok 1.4mm x 9cm
1 each GEMS™ Injector SuperLuerLok 1.2mm x 7cm
2 each GEMS™ Miller OneSnap 60cc
1 each NanoTransfer Generation 2
2 each GEMS™ Anaerobic Transfers 2.4mm
1 each GEMS™ Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each GEMS™ Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
4 each Harvesting Syringes BD 60cc
6 each Harvesting Syringes BD 10cc
6 each Injection Syringes BD 1cc
(Packaged as procedure set)

Marten Clinic Set™
The Marten Set was designed and inspired by Dr. Timothy Marten of San Francisco, CA. This set for the discriminating fat grafting facelift surgeon is a comprehensive collection of CellFriendly instrumentation and accessories for refined facial sculpting using microfat and nanofat.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 20cm
1 each Carraway Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each Carraway Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm
1 each Tonnard Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
2 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm
2 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 5cm
2 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm
2 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 1.2mm x 7cm
1 each V-Dissector SuperLuerLok 1.6mm x 7cm
1 each NanoTransfer
2 boxes of 5 Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges
2 each Reusable Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
(Packaged as procedure set)

Ghavami Gluteal Set™
This CellFriendly set, inspired and recommended by Dr. Ashkan Ghavami of Beverly Hills, CA., is designed for expert body contouring. This versatile set is ideal for Mommy Makeovers, breast enhancement, gluteal augmentation, reshaping the mid-torso, and producing a unified, curvaceous shape from neck to knees.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Mercedes Harvester 60cc 3.7mm x 20cm
1 each Mercedes Harvester 60cc 3.7mm x 25cm
1 each SpoonTip Injector 60cc 3.0mm x 15cm
1 each SpoonTip Injector 60cc 3.0mm x 20cm
1 each NanoTransfer
2 boxes of 5 Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges
1 each Reusable Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.2m
1 each Decant Stand Anaerobic Transfer 60cc to Luer
(Packaged as procedure set)

Tulip Nanofat Set™ - Reusable
This reusable patent-pending closed system helps size adipose tissue so that it is injectable with 27G and 30G needles.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tulip NanoTransfer™ Generation I
2 boxes of 5 Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges
1 each Reusable Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfer 1.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfer 1.2mm

The Micro Kit™ - Single-Use
GEMS™ Single-use Anaerobic Sizing Transfers are used to size down adipose tissue into desired aliquot sizes of Microfat. They also play an important role in Tulip’s proprietary Nanofat System™. Transfers can be used as a standalone system for sizing down adipose or can be used in conjunction with the Tulip NanoTransfer (Gen 1 or Gen 2) to create NanoFat. Each of the GEMS™ Transfers is also available for purchase individually in boxes of 10 (Codes in parentheses next to each item).
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
5 each GEMS™ Anaerobic Sizing Transfer 2.4mm (DATLLLL2.4-10)
5 each GEMS™ Sizing transfer 1.4mm (DATLLLL1.4-10)
5 each GEMS™ Sizing transfer 1.2mm (DATLLLL1.2-10)

Tulip Nano Small Volume Kit™ – Single-Use
The single-use Tulip Nano Small Volume Kit is your workhorse for facial sculpting and rejuvenation using microfat and nanofat. It is also ideal for other small-volume procedures such as hand rejuvenation, scar revision, wound healing, decolletage rejuvenation, and restoration of the fat pads in the feet.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 20cm or 2.1 mm x 15cm (Depends on Harvester Size)
2 each Harvester of your choice:
- Carraway Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
- Miller Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
- Tonnard Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm
- Sorensen Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 1.2mm x 7cm
1 each Miller OneSnap 60cc or Snap 20 (BD)
1 each NanoTransfer Gen 2
2 each Tulip Anaerobic Transfers 2.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
2 each Harvesting Syringes BD 60cc syringes
2 each Harvesting Syringes BD 10cc syringes
4 each Injection Syringes BD 1cc syringes
(Packaged as a single procedure kit)

Tulip Soft Harvest GOLD Kit™ - Single-Use
GOLD: Gentle Out-patient Lipoaspirate Delivery.
Introducing the Gentle Outpatient Lipoaspirate Delivery system for regenerative procedures. The Tulip NanoFat GOLD System is easy to use, cost-effective and produces the ideal consistency of adipose tissue for a variety of clinical applications. It is the only clinically validated protocol for injection of adipose tissue through a 30 gauge needle.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
2 each Carraway Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each Miller Snap 60cc
1 each NanoTransfer Generation II
2 each Tulip Anaerobic Transfers 2.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
2 each Harvesting Syringes, BD 60cc
2 each Harvesting Syringes, BD 10cc
4 each Injection Syringes, BD 1cc
(Packaged as a single procedure set)

Tulip SoftFoot Kit™ - Single-Use
The Tulip SoftFoot MicroFat + TNF™ Procedure Kit contains everything needed to perform a single SoftFoot procedure with Tulip's TRUE NanoFat™ (TNF) and MicroFat.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 12cm
2 each Carraway Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 10cm
1 each Tulip Micro Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm
1 each Tulip Micro Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm
1 each Johnnie Snap 00cc
1 each NanoTransfer Generation II
2 each Tulip Anaerobic Transfers 2.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Tulip Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
4 each Harvesting Syringes, BD 20cc
4 each Injection Syringes, BD 1cc
(Packaged as a single procedure set)

Tulip Nano SoftBreast™ Kit™ - Reusable
This reusable procedure kit for personalized Breast Enhancement, with or without implants, using microfat and nanofat for aesthetic and reconstructive applications.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each Miller Speed Harvester 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each Spoon Tip Injector 2.1mm x 15cm
1 each Tulip Injector 1.4mm x 9cm
1 each Tulip Injector 1.2mm x 7cm
1 each SnapLok 60cc
1 each NanoTransfer
2 boxes of 5 Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges
2 each Reusable Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfer 1.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfer 1.2mm
(Packaged as procedure set)

Tonnard/Verpaele Set™
From the Pioneers of Nanofat, this reusable and CellFriendly set, designed and recommended by Dr. Patrick Tonnard and Dr. Alexis Verpaele, is perfect for fine facial sculpting and contouring.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 20cm
1 each Tonnard Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 5cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm
1 each SnapLok 60cc
1 each SnapLok 20cc
1 each NanoTransfer
2 boxes of 5 Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges
2 each Reusable Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
(Packaged as procedure set)

Nabil Fakih Master Face Set™
Curated by Dr. Nabil Fakih, this set is designed for facial lipofilling using Microfat, SNIF (Sharp Needle Intradermal Fat Grafting), SNIE (Sharp Needle Intradermal Emulsified Fat Grafting), and Nanofat. This all-in-one set equips you to achieve a natural and harmonious result when sculpting and contouring the face, rejuvenating the skin, and revising scars.
Item Code:
Kit Includes:
1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 20cm
1 each Tonnard Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm
1 each Tulip Injector SuperLuerLok 1.2mm x 7cm
1 each Fakih Portless V-Dissector 1.6mm x 09cm
1 each SnapLok 20cc 1 each JohnnieLok BD 10cc
1 each NanoTransfer
2 boxes of 5 Sterile NanoTransfer Cartridges
1 each Reusable Anaerobic Transfer 2.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.4mm
1 each Reusable Sizing Transfers 1.2mm
1 each Syringe Stand Large
1 each Anaerobic Transfer Luer to Luer
Decant Stand
(Packaged as procedure set)